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Amazon Creator Connections: A Complete Guide For Influencers

Are you an influencer or content creator looking to boost your earnings on Amazon? In 2022, Amazon introduced a game-changing program called Amazon Creator Connections, designed to help influencers earn additional affiliate commissions by partnering directly with Amazon brands. This program goes beyond the traditional Amazon Associates or Amazon Influencer Program, offering a unique opportunity to collaborate with brands and earn higher commissions — with some brands paying up to 50%.

In this guide, we'll dive deep into how Amazon Creator Connections works, how to get started, and the functionalities, benefits, and drawbacks you need to know. Whether you're looking to maximize your affiliate marketing strategy or build long-term partnerships with brands, this program could be the key to unlocking higher revenue streams. Read on to find out how you can take advantage of this powerful tool as an Amazon influencer.

What is Amazon Creator Connections?

Amazon Creator Connections is a platform designed to connect influencers directly with brands for collaboration opportunities. It allows you, as a creator, to showcase your influence and work with companies eager to tap into your audience.

Through the platform, brands can discover influencers who align with their goals, while creators can find campaigns that suit their niche. This streamlined process simplifies brand partnerships, making it easier for you to earn revenue by promoting products you genuinely believe in.

How Does Amazon Creator Connections Work?

It is quite simple: brands can publish campaigns which are visible for you within your Amazon influencer or associates account. You can apply to join the campaign and once the brand accepts you can start promoting their product.

On top of your regular amazon associates / influencer affiliate earnings you will now also earn any commission set by the brand. Amazon also refers to this as Amazon+ which is simply a synonym for Amazon Creator Connections.

Who Pays For The Affiliate Commission You Earn?

The regular affiliate commission you earn through your Amazon influencers and associates program is paid out by Amazon. Amazon is a marketplace through which brands can sell their products. For facilitating the infrastructure Amazon usually takes a 15 - 20% cut of the sales brands make on Amazon.

Amazon then paid you the affiliate fee for your Amazon influencer / associates program from that 15 - 20% fee they earn from that sale.

The affiliate commission you will earn on top of your regular Amazon influencer / associates commission through the Amazon creator connections program is paid by the brand to you.

Below is an overview which explains this.

Requirements to get into Amazon Creator Connections

There are currently two requirements to get into the Amazon Creator Connections program.

  1. You must have generated at least 100 clicks through your Amazon influencer or associates program
  2. You have earned at least $1 in affiliate commission since you started

How To Apply / Sign Up And Register For The Amazon Creator Connections Program As An Influencer

As Creator Connections is still a fairly new initiative launched in 2022, the program is currently invite only. For some creators it is open to join and some it isn’t. To check if you are eligible for creator connections follow the steps below.

  1. Login to your associate central on desktop
  2. Click on the promotions tab to check if you are eligible for creator connections

If creator connections isn’t visible under the promotions tab it means that you aren’t invited yet. Below is the best way to get into Creator Connections if you aren’t invited yet.

  1. Open a chat support ticket with Amazon associates  
  2. Ask if you can get into the Amazon Creator Connections Program
  3. Keep asking until they let you in

How To Get Started Once You Are In The Program

Building Your Profile  

Follow the steps below to complete setting up your profile on Creator Connections / Affiliate+.

  1. Upload a photo
  2. Add your name or profile name
  3. Add a short synopsis of who you are, your interests, and your audience.
  4. Provide links to your websites or social media profiles (e.g., Amazon Storefront, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.).
  5. With tracking IDs, Associates can analyze the performance of various websites or merchandising strategies while accumulating earnings under a single Associates ID. If you do not use tracking IDs, leave this setting as “All Tracking IDs.” You can link your profile to existing tracking IDs if you have multiple profiles.
  6. Interest tags help brands you are primarily interested in to reach you. These will help you stand out for brand opportunities. Examples include: “Wpmen’s Fashion,” “Beauty,” and “Fitness.”
  7. To continue, accept the Creator Connections” policy above your profile page s “opt-in” section.

How To Sign Up For Campaigns And Partner With Brands On Amazon Creator Connections

Once you are in the program access creator connections by clicking on the promotions tab within your Amazon influencer / associates program. You can then start browsing through all the campaigns which are active.

TIP: Start with the product recommendations from Amazon at the very top of all the campaigns. Amazon takes your purchase history into account to recommend the right campaigns for you.

Campaign Details

Before you sign up for a campaign make sure to read through the campaign details section. This is where all the details in regards to the campaign are outlined.

Campaign Dates

The brands set the campaign dates where you are able to earn the extra commission through the creator connections / affiliate+ program. Once the campaign has ended you will continue to earn commission through your regular Amazon influencer / associates program.

Sign Up For Campaigns

To opt into a campaign click on “accept”. To remove campaigns from your new opportunities list click on “Not interested”. You can review all your accepted campaigns under the “Active” tab.

How Much Commission Will You Earn

The commission is set by the brands and is not negotiable. You will earn this commission on top of your regular Amazon influencer / associates commission.

Campaign Budget

Brands set a campaign budget next to the start and end date. Once the campaign budget has been reached the campaign automatically ends.

E.g. the brands sets the campaign budget at $10K.

Let's assume that the retail value of the product in that campaign is $100 and you sold 100 units and the brands set the commission rate to 10%.

Your total earnings from that campaign will be:

Affiliate+: $1,000 ($100 Price X 100 Units sold X 10% Affiliate+ Commission)

Let’s assume that the amazon influencer / associates commission for this product category is set to 4%.

Amazon associates: $400 ($100 Price X 100 Units sold X 4% Associates Commission)

Your total earnings from this campaign will be $1,400.

Which Affiliate Links To Use

Amazon provides a button on the campaign request page below the campaign brief called “Get affiliate link”. This link is specific to the campaign and will allow you to track and earn both the affiliate as well as the regular associates commission.

How To Track Your Performance

Within Creator Connections, you can track your performance for each campaign on its dedicated detail page and in the “Earnings Reports” tab. This section provides a clear view of your commission earnings. Key performance metrics include spend, purchases/revenue, units sold, and clicks, offering valuable insights into how your campaigns are performing.

Please note the the performance shown here is only the for your affiliate+ not your regular associates earnings.

Cookie window: Amazon uses a 24 hour cookie window in which you can earn commission from referrals.

How To Get Paid

The affiliate commission you earn from the Amazon Creator Connections / Affiliate+ program will be paid out along with your regular Amazon Associate earnings. The commission will be paid out 60 days after the end of the month for which you are earning.

Direct Messaging With Brands

Within Creator Connections you can directly chat and communicate with brands to ask questions related to the campaign.

To message brands simply click on the message icon in the top right corner (next to help) or click to open the messaging drawer located in the bottom right corner. Then click on the pencil icon, select the brand and you can send a message.

Receiving Free Samples  

Although previously Amazon had a check mark to receive free samples this feature unfortunately has been discontinued. The Amazon Creator Connections program does not provide free samples.

However, you can always ask the brands for a free sample through the chat functionalities. Some brands might ask for some additional details but if your social media presence aligns with their audience most brands are happy to send a free sample.

Benefits of Amazon Creator Connections

Below are the most important benefits of the Amazon Creator Connections Program.

Increased Commission

The simple fact that you are able to increase your affiliate commission makes the creator connections program a great option to increase your earnings as a content creator.

If you are posting about products on Amazon why not directly post about products which have an active campaign on creator connections. The effort is the same but you will often be able to double, triple or even further increase your earnings depending on how much commission the brand offers.

Direct Messaging With Brands

Being able to directly message and contact brands is a great way to network with brands which match your audience. You can use this opportunity to stay in contact and network with brands. This could lead to additional opportunities down the line.

If the brand likes your content and notices you because you sell a lot of products they might offer to sponsor your content or ask for additional content for additional compensation.

Access Special Offers

The campaigns active in Amazon Creator Connect often include special offers. Sharing these special deals is often valued greatly by followers and will also increase conversions which in turn lead to higher earnings.

Drawbacks of Amazon Creator Connections

Below are the most important drawbacks of Amazon Creator Connect.

No Fixed Payments  

Similar to the Amazon associates / influencer program, Amazon Creator Connections are all based on affiliate earnings. Brands won’t be offering fixed payments for content creation.

Requires More Work

Keeping an eye out for active campaigns requires a more proactive approach compared the the regular Amazon influencer / associates program where you can post whenever you like.

Timelines And Budgets

Campaigns have a strict timeline as well as a total budget. If you are start late it might reduce your earnings or cut off your affiliate+ earnings once the budget has been reached.

Creating Content for Amazon Creator Connections

Below are some of the important things to consider when creating content on Amazon Creator Connections.

Usage Rights

Brands do not automatically have usage rights to your content. They might reshare the post if you tag their social media but usage rights would need to be discussed and negotiated between the brands and you directly.

Submitting the Content Link

If you accept a campaign you need to submit at least one content link before the campaign ends. Amazon will send you a content submission reminder 24 hours before the campaign ends.

Amazon Creator Connections vs Amazon Associates / Influencer Program

It is important to note that you are not able to join Amazon Creator Connections without having signed up on either the Amazon associates or influencer program first. That being said it is less about comparing both but rather if you should get started with Amazon Creator Connections vs the regular Amazon associates / influencer program.

If your aim is to maximise earnings from Amazon we definitely recommend getting started with Amazon Brand Connect. You are essentially able to increase your affiliate commission by receiving a fee both from Amazon directly (through the associates / influencer program) and from the brands.

If you are posting and recommending products already you might as well do it through the channel which maximises your earnings which is to post about campaigns which are active on Amazon brand connect.

The key difference between Amazon brand connect and amazon associates / influencer program is that you need to keep checking if a campaign is active. As a campaign on Amazon brand connect can expire due to date or because the budget limit has been reached vs the amazon associates program which is always active.

Best Tips To Maximise Earnings With Amazon Creator Connections

Maximizing your earnings through Amazon Creator Connections involves a strategic approach to affiliate marketing, content creation, and audience engagement. Below are the best tips to help you increase your income as an influencer on this platform:

1. Choose the Right Campaigns

Select campaigns that resonate with your niche and audience. Aligning with products and brands that your followers are genuinely interested in will drive higher engagement, more clicks, and ultimately, more sales. Authenticity is key to building trust with your audience and increasing conversions.

2. Leverage High-Commission Campaigns  

Amazon Creator Connections offers varying commission rates, with some brands paying up to 50% on affiliate sales. Prioritize these high-commission opportunities to boost your earnings potential. Be sure to monitor the campaigns closely and look for those that align with your audience while offering attractive commission rates​.

3. Create Engaging, Authentic Content  

Focus on creating content that showcases the products in an engaging and relatable way. Videos, live demonstrations, and personal reviews often perform better than static images. For example, influencers using Amazon Live or Instagram Stories tend to see higher engagement and conversions​.

4. Promote During Discount Events

Take advantage of promotional events like Prime Day, Black Friday, and seasonal sales to increase your affiliate sales. During these times, buyers are more likely to make purchases, especially when discounts are available. Plan your content around these events to maximize your revenue.

5. Use the Platform's Analytics

Amazon Creator Connections offers analytics that allow you to track the performance of your content and sales. Use this data to understand which types of content, product categories, and campaigns are performing the best. This information will help you refine your strategy and focus on what’s working​(

6. Diversify Your Promotion Platforms

While Instagram and Amazon Live are popular platforms, don't limit yourself to just one. Use a combination of platforms—such as Facebook, YouTube, and your Amazon Storefront—to promote your campaigns. This will help you reach a wider audience and increase your chances of generating more sales.

7. Engage with Your Audience  

Respond to questions, comments, and messages from your followers to build a strong relationship with your audience. Engaging with your audience can lead to higher trust, loyalty, and more sales through your affiliate links​.

8. Optimize Your Content for SEO  

Use relevant keywords, tags, and descriptions in your content to ensure it is easily discoverable. Optimize your blog posts, YouTube descriptions, and social media posts for search engine optimization (SEO) so that more potential buyers find your content and click through to your affiliate links.

9. Reuse existing content

A smart strategy is to focus on promoting products you've already featured in your content. This approach allows you to repurpose existing videos, reviews, or social media posts, helping you save time and effort.

By re-sharing and optimizing this content across various platforms, you can enhance visibility, engage your audience again, and increase your potential earnings without creating brand-new material from scratch.

Alternatives to Amazon Brand Connect

1. Creator Hero

Shopify like Storefront, Higher Degree of Customization

Similar to Amazon Brand Connect, Creator Hero provides all the essential tools to help content creators establish a personalized storefront. Think of it as a Shopify tailored specifically for creators.

However, what sets Creator Hero apart from Amazon Brand Connect is its higher degree of customization. You can fully edit product pages by uploading your own images, changing product descriptions, and personalizing the storefront to match your brand identity.

When customers shop from your store, they are seamlessly redirected to the brand’s website for purchasing.

Similar to Amazon Brand Connect, brands also share their special offers and seasonal campaigns which will allow you to create content around peak selling seasons and share the best deals and offers with your followers.

Additional Features To Monetize

Beyond storefronts, Creator Hero offers additional features such as the ability to create a blog, send newsletters, and integrate AdSense to further monetize your traffic.

You Own Your Customer Data

One of the most significant benefits is that you own your customer data—allowing you to collect email addresses from those who make purchases. This data is invaluable in building long-term relationships with your audience and growing your business effectively.

2. Aspire Creator Marketplace

Aspire Creator Marketplace is another alternative to Amazon Brand Connect, designed to facilitate seamless collaboration between brands and influencers. You can display your portfolio and apply to relevant brand collaborations, much like Amazon Brand Connect.

Aspire offers comprehensive tools for campaign management, including features for contract negotiation and performance tracking. This makes it easier for both brands and creators to work together efficiently, enhancing the impact of each collaboration while maximizing engagement. Whether you're managing influencer relationships or tracking the success of your campaigns, Aspire Creator Marketplace ensures a streamlined, impactful experience for both parties.

3. #Paid Creator Marketplace

#Paid Creator Marketplace is also another alternative to Amazon Brand Connect, offering a platform that connects brands with carefully vetted creators for smooth influencer marketing campaigns.

The platform not only connects you with relevant brands but also simplifies the entire process—from discovery to signing contracts, creating content, and getting approval for your work.

One of the standout features of #Paid is that it allows you to maintain full creative control while showcasing your unique voice. You can work on projects that resonate with your audience, ensuring that your content remains genuine. The platform also provides performance tracking, so you can measure the impact of your campaigns and enhance your strategy for future collaborations.

Disclosing Your Affiliation With Amazon And FTC Compliance

As with all sponsored posts it is required to disclose your affiliate with Amazon. To easiest way to do this is to simply add #Add, #sponsored to the post. This way you could also potentially re-use content which you have already posted about a certain product.

Final Thoughts on Amazon Creator Connections

Amazon Creator Connections offers a unique opportunity for influencers to boost their affiliate earnings by connecting directly with brands. With flexible campaign options, direct brand communication, and increased commission rates, it’s an excellent tool to maximize your income. However, the need for a proactive approach and lack of fixed payments can be challenging. Overall, Amazon Creator Connections provides significant benefits, especially if you’re ready to explore new opportunities and increase your earnings on Amazon.

Is Amazon Creator Connections available to all influencers?
Can you use Amazon Creator Connections without an Amazon storefront?
What type of content is most effective on Amazon Creator Connections?
Are there any costs associated with joining Amazon Creator Connections?
How long does it take to receive commissions from Amazon Creator Connections?

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