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How to get brand deals on Instagram

If you are a content creator ready to increase earnings through brand partnerships you came to the right place. This article breaks down strategies for attracting collaborations, from improving your profile to get noticed by brands, how to actively reach out to brands and much more. 

Navigating Instagram to secure brand deals can transform your profile into a lucrative venture and the best part is you don’t have to be a huge influencer to achieve this. Brands are disprite to partner with micro and nano influencers due to their high authenticity and engagement. Whether you have a small or large audience this article will provide value in explaining how you can maximise your earnings through lucrative brand partnerships. Let's unlock the potential of your Instagram presence together.

Why monetize your Instagram influence?

Monetizing your Instagram account transforms your passion into profit. By capitalising on your influence and engaging content, you can collaborate with brands and businesses, earning income through sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and brand partnerships. But it's not just about financial gain; monetizing your Instagram opens doors to new opportunities, allowing you to establish yourself as a reputable influencer within your niche, expand your reach, and connect with a wider audience. It's about turning your influence into a sustainable and rewarding career.

What is a sponsored brand partnership?

A sponsored brand partnership on Instagram involves a collaboration between a brand and an influencer, where the influencer promotes the brand’s products or services through their posts. This partnership is typically monetarily compensated. The goal is to leverage the influencer's credibility and reach to introduce the brand to a broader audience, thereby driving awareness, engagement, and potentially increasing sales.

Different types of sponsored brand partnerships

There are different types of sponsored brand partnerships, each tailored to meet specific marketing objectives. As a creator it is important to know each of them so you know the benefits, what is required and how to focus on the type of brand partnerships which bring the most value for you as a creator. 

Fixed Payments

Brands pay influencers a predetermined fee for promotions aimed at driving sales and enhancing brand awareness. This direct model is clear-cut, where terms and deliverables are agreed upon in advance.

Affiliate & Gifting

In this partnership, influencers receive products or services in exchange for their promotion. Additionally, they often earn a commission through affiliate links that track sales generated from their content.

Content Creation

Here, the influencer's main role is to produce high-quality content that the brand can reuse across its marketing channels. The objective is to capitalize on the influencer's creative skills to generate appealing content that resonates well with both their followers and the brand’s audience. It is important here to negotiate the usage rights with the brand. More on this later. 

Takeovers and Co-Creations

Brands might also engage influencers for takeovers, where influencers manage the brand’s social media account for a short period. Similarly, co-creations involve partnerships to develop new products or content series that tap into the creative prowess of the influencer while aligning with the brand's identity.


Brands might ask to partner with you to run sponsored posts through your social media account. This concept is called whitelisting and can have various benefits both for the brand and for you as a creator. While the brand is able to run more authentic paid ads through your social media profile they will also be paying to get your profile in front of new audiences which can lead to an increase in personal brand and following. 

How to get sponsored brand partnerships

Invest in high quality content and a strong brand identity

This might be the most obvious of all but the better the content, the higher your engagement and all other metrics will be. Investing in your content might be the single most important thing to consistently keep doing and you will notice the interest of brands starting to increase. 

Make it easy for brands to reach you

This one is probably the easiest to implement with high returns. Make it as easy as possible for brands to reach you by adding your contact details in your bio and making clear that your are open to brand partnerships. 

Brand outreach 

Directly reach out to brands in your niche showing your previous work and asking if they would be open to partnerships. This can be an effective way to gain the attention of brands and can often lead to lucrative partnerships if done the right way. 

Showcase your previous work

Create a portfolio on your Instagram highlights or a dedicated website to showcase previous collaborations and projects. This not only highlights your professionalism but also demonstrates your ability to engage with brands and produce content that meets their standards.

Network Actively

Attend industry events, webinars, and workshops to connect with brands and fellow influencers. If there isn't an opportunity to engage with brands, always take it even if it might not pay at the beginning. 

Understand Your Analytics

Brands will often ask for data to prove your reach and engagement. Be prepared by understanding your Instagram Insights thoroughly. This includes demographic data of your followers, engagement rates, and the performance of past sponsored content. Being knowledgeable about your metrics can significantly strengthen your pitch to potential sponsors.

Align with Brand Values

Research potential brands to ensure there's a strong alignment between their products, mission, and your personal brand. Genuine synergy makes collaborations smoother and more authentic to your followers, which enhances the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Key considerations before accepting an Instagram sponsorship


Before accepting a sponsorship, consider whether promoting the product or service will feel authentic to your brand. Your audience trusts your recommendations, so it's crucial to only promote products or services that you genuinely believe in and would use yourself.

Fair Compensation

Ensure that the compensation offered for the sponsorship is fair and in line with industry standards. Consider factors such as your reach, engagement rate, and the time and effort required to create the sponsored content. Negotiate fair compensation to reflect the value you provide to the brand.

Potential for Long-term Partnerships

Consider whether there is potential for a long-term partnership with the brand. Long-term partnerships offer consistent income and strengthen brand loyalty. Developing ongoing relationships with brands allows for deeper collaboration and more impactful campaigns.

For example, if a brand's values align with yours and the collaboration is successful, propose a long-term partnership. This could involve multiple sponsored posts, product launches, or even becoming a brand ambassador. Long-term partnerships benefit both parties and provide stability and reliability in your influencer marketing strategy.

Creative Freedom 

Ensure that you will have creative freedom in how you promote the product or service. Your unique creative style and voice are what attracted your audience to you in the first place, so it's essential to maintain this authenticity in sponsored content. Make sure the brand is open to your creative input and that you're comfortable with any guidelines or restrictions they may have.

Important things to consider when negotiating with brands

Be clear about deliverables

Clearly outline the deliverables you can provide, including the number of posts, stories, and any additional promotional activities such as giveaways or takeover events. Providing a clear and detailed proposal not only demonstrates your professionalism but also helps manage the brand's expectations.

Highlight your unique selling points

One of the best ways to stand out during negotiations is to emphasise what sets you apart from other influencers. Whether it's your niche audience, high engagement rates, or creative content style, make sure the brand understands why they should collaborate with you specifically. Provide examples of past collaborations, testimonials from satisfied clients, or any awards or accolades you've received. The more they understand the unique value you bring to the table, the more likely they are to agree to your terms.

Flexibility is key

While it's essential to know your worth and stand firm on your value, it's also important to be flexible during negotiations. Brands may have specific requirements or budgets, so be prepared to adjust your proposal accordingly. This could involve offering additional deliverables, extending the duration of the collaboration, or being open to different forms of compensation. By showing flexibility, you demonstrate your willingness to work with the brand to find a mutually beneficial agreement.

Agree on usage rights

When negotiating content creation, it's crucial to agree on usage rights based on a set time frame. For example, you might allow the brand to use your content for 3 or 6 months. Clearly outline these terms in your contract to avoid any misunderstandings. Specify where and how the brand can use your content, whether it's on their social media channels, website, or in advertising materials. This ensures that both parties are clear on how the content can be used and for how long.

Follow up

If negotiations are ongoing, don't be afraid to follow up. Sometimes, brands need a gentle nudge to move things forward. Send a polite email or message to check on the status of the negotiations and see if there's anything else you can provide to help finalise the agreement. Just be sure not to come across as pushy or impatient, as this could potentially sour the relationship with the brand.

Evaluate the partnership

After the collaboration is complete, take some time to assess its success. Did you meet the brand's expectations? Did the partnership align with your own goals and values? Use this feedback to improve future negotiations and collaborations. If the collaboration went well, consider reaching out to the brand to express your gratitude and discuss the possibility of working together again in the future. If there were any issues or areas for improvement, use them as learning experiences to make your next collaboration even better.


Landing sponsored brand partnerships on Instagram requires a blend of strategic branding, active engagement, and thorough networking. By cultivating a strong personal brand, consistently engaging your audience, showcasing past successes, and aligning with potential partners' values, you set the stage for fruitful collaborations. Remember, authenticity and a deep understanding of your audience are key to attracting and maintaining successful brand relationships. With dedication and smart strategy, your Instagram can become a powerful platform for sponsorship opportunities.

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