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Who Are Micro Influencers and How to Become One: A Complete Guide

If you’re passionate about creating content and looking to transform your social media presence into something more meaningful—and even profitable—becoming a micro influencer might be the perfect path for you.

Micro influencers, typically with 10,000 to 100,000 followers on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, focus on niche audiences, building authentic connections and higher engagement rates compared to larger influencers.

In this complete guide, we’ll break down how to grow your following, increase engagement with your audience and secure brand collaborations that can turn your passion into a sustainable career.

Whether you’re looking to start small or grow your presence, this step-by-step guide will help you establish yourself as a successful micro influencer.

What Defines a Micro Influencer?

A micro influencer is a content creator with a following typically ranging between 10K and 100K followers on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and others.

Unlike larger influencers or celebrities with millions of followers, micro influencers operate within niche communities, focusing on specific topics like fitness, beauty, tech, or food.

Taylor Bosman is a micro influencer who specializes in beauty and skincare, attracting a dedicated niche audience that values her expertise and product recommendations.

They have smaller but highly engaged audiences that make them valuable for brands looking for more authentic connections and targeted marketing.

Benefits of Being a Micro Influencer

A growing trend in influencer marketing is that brands are preferring to work with smaller influencers vs larger influencers. A recent survey found that 90% of marketers prefer working with micro influencers. But why is this shift happening? Let’s explore the main benefits of being a micro influencer:

You Offer Authenticity

82% of consumers are more likely to be persuaded on suggestions from a micro influencer. Why? Due to authenticity. As influencers grow, their brand deals, in the majority of cases, start becoming too salesly or feel generic. In celebrity or macro influencer cases, their deals are even managed by agencies making it hard to provide a more authentic experience.

Micro influencers are known for their genuine and relatable content. This allows them to have a more personal connection with their audience, making followers trust their recommendations more.

You’re More Cost-Effective

As a small influencer, it may seem challenging to land brand deals, especially when you think brands might prefer working with larger influencers. However, that's not always the case. While you might not be signing contracts worth thousands of dollars just yet, you're still a valuable option for brands, particularly those with smaller budgets.

Brands appreciate that working with micro-influencers is cost-effective, but more importantly, you deliver results. In fact, content posted by micro-influencers generates 20% ROI on average, which is 7% higher than that of macro-influencers.

This means your audience engagement and authenticity drive more meaningful interactions, making you a smart investment for brands looking to maximize their budget while getting a better return.

You Have a Specific Niche

Micro influencers tend to focus on particular niches, whether it’s beauty, fitness, travel or gaming. This specialization allows them to attract followers who are highly interested in these areas, making their audience more targeted.

For brands, this is a major benefit as they can reach a specific audience that is already predisposed to be interested in their products or services.

You Drive Higher Engagement Rates

Macro influencers and celebrities offer massive exposure, providing the potential for thousands—if not millions—of users to see your brand. However, with their large reach, it can be more challenging to achieve tangible, engagement-driven results. In contrast, micro-influencers often deliver engagement rates up to 60% higher than their macro counterparts.

Their smaller, more dedicated follower base allows them to foster personal interactions through comments, direct messages, and likes. Followers feel a stronger connection with micro-influencers, making them more likely to engage with their content.

How to Become a Micro Influencer? 6 Steps

Becoming a micro influencer allows you to transform your passion for content creation into a rewarding career. Here are six key steps that will help you to grow your audience and start collaborating with brands.

1. Identify Your Niche

One of the fundamentals to start your career as a micro influencer is to find your niche. Don’t make content just to go viral, but make it because you actually enjoy it. This can be as simple as sharing your passion.

Maya Leinenbach is a vegan influencer that has a popular Instagram page called Green Fit Mind where she has been sharing vegan recipes since she was 15 years old (in 2019). She started it for pure passion of cooking delicious vegan meals and nowadays she has 3.9 million followers.

By establishing your niche, it’s easier to create and engage an active audience that shares your same interests. The best part is that you become an excellent option for brands who want to promote their products more organically.

2. Select Your Channels

Social media platforms have different target audiences and formats.

For example, Instagram is ideal for visually-driven niches like fashion, beauty and lifestyle where high quality images and short-from videos thrive. Instagram is mostly used by users between 30 and 49 years old. YouTube, on the other hand, focuses on more long-from content, making it perfect for tutorials, in-depth reviews or storytelling. Most of this platform's users are between 18 and 29 years old.

Below you can take a closer look below at the platform preferences based on different age groups:

As a micro influencer, focus on the platforms that best align with your niche and content style. It's better to master one or two channels and build a strong presence than to spread yourself too thin across several. Tailor your content to suit the format and audience expectations of each platform, and always engage with your followers to build lasting connections.

3. Create Consistent and Engaging Content

Whether you have only 10K followers or reaching 100K, if you want to grow your audience, the best way to do so is by creating high quality content consistently. There’s no recipe in terms of what will make you go viral, but by experimenting and having a plan it’s easier to start noticing patterns.

You can start creating your content plan by:

Doing Research

Understand what your audience is seeking and identify trends within your niche. Look at what’s working well for your competitors, and take note of the content that resonates most with their followers.

Work With a Theme

Once you've selected your platforms, begin developing a clear theme that aligns with your niche. Establishing a consistent theme helps build your personal brand and makes your content more recognizable.


What works for one influencer may not work for another. That’s why it’s crucial to experiment with different formats, styles, and content types to see what resonates best with your audience. Flexibility and adaptability are essential in finding your unique approach.


Keep track of engagement rates, impressions, and follower growth to understand which content performs best and how you can optimize future posts. This will also be useful for creating your media kit to show brands what you can do for them.

With this in mind, consistency also becomes a key element of your content strategy. Followers want to see you active, if you post every once in a while can lead to lower engagement and slower growth. To maintain momentum, here’s a recommended posting frequency based on different platforms.

Platform Posting Frequency
Instagram 1-2 posts a day.
Facebook 1 post a day.
LinkedIn Between 3-5 times per week.
X Between 2 to 5 times a day.
TikTok 1 to 4 times a day.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Don’t be a ghost.

One of the key aspects that set micro influencers apart from larger influencers is the genuine connection they build with their audience. Unlike macro influencers, who may struggle to maintain personalized engagement due to the size of their following, micro influencers often form tighter bonds with their followers. This stronger sense of community is one of your greatest assets as a micro influencer.

To maximize this connection, actively engage with your audience. Respond to comments, answer direct messages, ask for feedback and even feature follower content when relevant.

Showing that you care about their opinions and are willing to interact in meaningful ways will build trust and loyalty.

You can also use interactive features like Instagram polls, Q&A stories, and live sessions to communicate directly with your followers, creating a more personal experience.

5. Start Collaborating with Brands

The best way to know if you’re ready for brand deals is by knowing the answer to: What do I have to offer other brands? Once you’ve established a content publishing rhythm and built a loyal audience, you’re ready to start monetizing your platform by collaborating with brands.

At this stage, focus on brand partnerships that align with your niche and resonate with your audience. Whether you’re in beauty, tech, food or fashion, working with brands that reflect your personal interests will keep your content authentic.

For example, Sephora is one of the brands that collaborate with micro influencers. They mostly focus on targeting those with a target audience in the beauty industry. Like Jenesis Alonso, that with 12K followers was featured in Sephora’s official instagram page.

Highlight your strengths—such as high engagement rates, authentic connections with your audience, and expertise in your niche.

6. Be Yourself

The best way to create value, especially in social media where there is so much offer and competition is to be yourself. What makes you unique? What’s your added value? Maybe it's how you tell stories that makes you engaging or funny, or maybe it’s your elaborated cinematographic skills that you use to make TikToks.

Sometimes it’s even in the simple things. Anna Sixtar, for example became famous by simply trying different starbucks with unique flavors and combinations with her catchphrase “Starbies of the day” that even gained her the nickname of “Starbucks Queen”

Another great example is Alix Earle, who despite their jet set lifestyle, became well known in social media for being “real” by sharing her skincare journey as someone who has severe acne, making her more relatable.

Micro Influencer vs Macro Influencer

What sets micro influencers and macro influencers apart is the number of followers they have. Micro influencers have between 10K-100K followers, while macro influencers have between 100K-500K. This difference in followers translates into other areas such as reach, engagement and opportunities.


The most obvious difference between micro and macro influencers is the size of their audience. With macro influencers having over 100,000 followers, their broad reach allows them to connect with a massive audience. In contrast, micro influencers have a smaller, more concentrated reach.

While macro influencers can amplify brand awareness on a grand scale, micro influencers offer more targeted exposure to niche audiences who are deeply engaged in specific interests like fitness, beauty, tech, or sustainable living.


Engagement is where micro influencers truly shine. Studies consistently show that micro influencers have higher engagement rates than macro influencers. This means their followers are more likely to like, comment, share, or otherwise interact with their posts. Macro influencers, on the other hand, tend to have lower engagement rates, simply because their followers are spread across a wider range of interests, and personal connections are harder to maintain with a massive audience.


Both micro and macro influencers can collaborate with brands, but the nature of these partnerships differs. Macro influencers often partner with well-established, global brands that can afford the higher price tag associated with influencers with millions of followers. These collaborations often focus on mass exposure and increasing brand awareness.

In contrast, micro influencers are ideal for brands that want to target specific communities. These influencers are more approachable and affordable, which makes them attractive to small businesses or niche brands looking for authentic connections with consumers.

As a micro influencer, you may also experience more personalized and flexible opportunities, ranging from product exchanges to long-term ambassador programs, while macro influencers typically participate in one-off high-budget campaigns.

How to Work with Brands as a Micro Influencer

Once you’ve created your personal brand, you can start looking out for brand deals. Regardless of your audience’s size, if you have something good to offer, you’re likely to get brand deals even with established brands. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Create a Media Kit

The first thing companies want to know to consider if it’s a good idea to work with you, is what do you have to offer them? Why should they hire you?  Think of your media kit as your CV.

By building a professional media kit, you’ll be able to answer these questions. Your media kit should include:

  • Follower demographics: Showcase details about your audience, including age, gender, location and interests.
  • Engagement metrics: Highlight your engagement rates - likes, comments, shares, and any notable interactions. Micro influencers are valued for their high engagement.
  • Previous collaborations: If you’ve worked with brands before, it’s a good idea to include your past work, such as product reviews, sponsored posts or content creation.
  • Contact Information: Make it easy for brands to get in touch by including your email, social handles, and links to your platforms.

Research Brands to Work With

Don’t wait for brands to find you, proactively research for companies that align with your niche and audience.

Look for:

  • Companies who share similar values with your personal brand. This way it’s easier for them to see that your audience is also their target audience.
  • While there are global brands who work with micro influencers, it’s easier to start by focusing on small to mid-sized businesses, especially those targeting niche markets.
  • Pay attention to brands that already work with micro influencers. These companies are more likely to consider you for a partnership.

Pitch Your Brands

Once you’ve identified the brands you’d like to work with, it’s time to reach out to them. Don’t send out generic pitches, instead try personalizing them as much as possible.

Show that you’ve researched the brand and explain why you’re the perfect fit. Mention specific products you love or how your audience would benefit from the collaboration.  

Additionally, you can also propose specific ways you can work together, such as product reviews, giveaways, tutorials, or sponsored blog posts.

Here’s an outreach template that you can customize:

Subject: Collaboration Opportunity with [Your Name] and [Brand Name]

Dear [Brand Name Team / Specific Contact Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [niche] content creator with a highly engaged audience of [mention follower count, e.g., 15K] on [platform(s) you primarily use]. I’ve been following [Brand Name] for some time, and I’m genuinely impressed with [mention something specific you admire about their products/services].

I believe my audience would greatly resonate with [specific product(s) or values of the brand], as they are always interested in [mention relevant aspect of your niche]. I would love the opportunity to collaborate and showcase your products in an authentic and engaging way through [mention proposed methods like product reviews, giveaways, tutorials, sponsored content, etc.].

I’ve attached my media kit and audience demographics for your reference. I look forward to discussing potential collaboration opportunities and how we can work together to achieve your marketing goals.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
[Your Social Media Handles]

Consider Affiliate Partnerships

Many companies offer affiliate programs that are easy to join. To find out if a specific brand has one, you can search for “(Brand Name) affiliate program.” Alternatively, to simplify your search, you can look for affiliate programs by industry, such as “(Industry) affiliate programs.”

To help you get started, we’ve done some research and compiled a list of industries with their affiliate programs below:

Additionally, there are different platforms where you can explore affiliate programs. Creator Hero, for instance, is a platform that offers a storefront for content creators. This means you can create your own store and share your favorite products while significantly increasing your earnings through brand partnerships.

Brands handle all the details of order fulfillment, so all you have to do is curate your collection and share it with your followers. You’ll gain a commission on all sales (between 20-50% and get a discount code to share with your followers.

This way, you don’t have to go back and forth with brands in terms of partnerships, and you can have an additional way to monetize your influence.

Final Thoughts on Becoming a Micro Influencer

Becoming a micro influencer is a rewarding journey that allows you to build authentic connections with a niche audience while also creating opportunities for collaboration with brands. By focusing on high-quality content, engaging consistently with your followers, and selecting the right platforms, you can grow your influence and establish yourself in your chosen niche. Remember, the key to success lies in being genuine, experimenting with different strategies, and maintaining a clear focus on what makes you unique.

Whether you aim to monetize through affiliate programs or brand partnerships, the opportunities are vast for micro influencers who prioritize building trust and staying true to their personal brand. Now that you have a clear roadmap, it’s time to take the first step toward becoming a successful micro influencer.

What is a micro-influencer?
How do I become a micro-influencer?
What are the benefits of working with micro-influencers?
What platforms are best for micro-influencers?
How do micro-influencers make money?

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